Harriet Stacey joins Chambers

We are pleased to announce that Harriet Stacey has joined Chambers with immediate effect.

Harriet, who was called in 2021, practices primarily in financial remedy and property cases. She is regularly instructed across the full breadth of matrimonial finance applications as well as in relation to applications under the Children Act 1989, Schedule 1, and in TLATA 1996 claims. Prior to coming to the Bar Harriet worked as a College Supervisor at the University of Cambridge teaching both Equity and Land Law. As a result, she has particular expertise in cases involving complex asset structures, disputes as to beneficial ownership and issues of liquidity. Harriet has a strong written and advisory practice and particularly enjoys working closely with solicitors from an early stage to help set clear and realistic expectations for clients and maximise opportunities for early resolution.  

Nkumbe Ekaney KC and Andrew Norton KC, Joint Heads of Chambers "We warmly welcome Harriet Stacey as a member of Chambers.  Harriet has established herself as a skilful advocate and will be an asset to our family finance team, we are delighted that she joins us at 1GC"

Harriet Stacey  “I am thrilled to be joining 1GC Family Law, a chambers with true depth of expertise across all areas of family law. I am particularly excited to continue growing my practice as part of a team which has been consistently ahead of the curve in appreciating the importance of NCDR and the Bar’s role in supporting parties to reach amicable solutions.”

For more information, or to instruct Harriet please contact our clerking team by calling 020 7797 7900 or emailing clerks@1gc.com.

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