Our regulator

Barristers at 1GC Family Law are regulated by the Bar Standards Board, with support from the Bar Council of England & Wales.

The BSB’s Barristers’ Register gives you information on the barristers who have a current practising certificate, and whether a barrister has any disciplinary findings regarding them.

Quality Statement and Service Standards

We are committed to providing a service that consistently meets the highest expectations of instructing solicitors and their clients.

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

1GC takes the privacy of everyone with whom we interact seriously and ensure the highest standard of protection for your data in line with data protection regulations. This involves the use of secure IT systems and shredding services as well as through our methods of working in chambers.

You can view our full Privacy and Data Protection Policy HERE

Cyber Security

As a barristers chambers, we hold our clients confidential and personal data so we take cyber security very seriously. We have taken significant steps to ensure our IT is secure and to protect the data stored on all of our devices through the government-backed Cyber Essentials scheme through which we are certified. You can read more about this certification HERE.

Equal opportunities

Our equal opportunities and diversity policy is available HERE.

Diversity Data Publication 

1GC's diversity data, published in accordance with The Bar Standard Board's Code of Conduct, is available HERE.

Client Feedback

We are committed to continual learning and service improvement, and welcome feedback from our clients on any aspect of our services. Please contact Senior Clerk Paul Harris.

Complaints Procedure

If a client is dissatisfied we will attempt to recover the service as quickly as possible. Chambers has a formal complaints procedure and details can be found HERE.

Standard Terms

Our standard conditions of contract for the supply of Legal services by Barristers to authorised persons are available HERE. All instructions are accepted on the basis of the Standard Conditions of Contract Supply of Legal Services by Barristers to Authorised Persons 2012 as updated in 2018


Awards & Recognition

Advocate Pro Bono Awards

Highly Commended


Family Law Award

Chambers of the Year


Family Law Awards

Clerking Team of the Year


Family Law Awards

Children Team of the Year