In an appropriate case we offer advice, drafting and representation in the following areas of family law:

Children (private law)

We cover all the issues and disputes that may arise in respect of children including matters of parental responsibility, child arrangements (previously known as ‘residence and contact’ or ‘custody and access’), prohibited steps orders, specific issue orders and wardship proceedings.

Children (public law)

Whilst legal aid is often available for public law proceedings, we often act for those who cannot obtain legal aid, such as for relatives wanting to be involved in proceedings. We have particular expertise in very difficult and sensitive public law cases throughout the process, from the start of care proceedings to applications for adoptions.

Court of Protection

We deal regularly with welfare cases, medical treatment cases and disputes involving deprivation of liberty, even at very short notice.  We can also assist with issues of finances and powers of attorney. 

Divorce, finance and property

We can advise and assist you with all financial aspects of the breakdown of your marriage or relationship from drafting pre-nuptial agreements to assisting you with your divorce and sorting out your finances following separation.  We also deal regularly with cohabitation disputes about the ownership of property,  disputes relating to wills, inheritance claims and cases dealing with finances for children, including between unmarried couples (‘Schedule 1’ cases) and Child Maintenance Service disputes.

International family law

We are experts in dealing with the international aspects of family law, from cross-border movement of children, including permission to take children abroad temporarily or permanently and child abduction, to enforcement of orders in respect of both children and finance cases.  We have a number of barristers who can speak foreign languages.

Judicial review and administrative law

We deal with administrative law matters linked to family proceedings, in particular dealing with cases challenging local authority decisions in relation to fostering allowances, children leaving care and vulnerable adults.

Domestic violence and injunctions

We provide advice and representation in all aspects of personal protection, including non-molestation orders and occupation orders for both applicants and respondents at all stages of the court process from initial applications to final hearings.


We can give you advice about the merits of appealing any decision of court and can help you with drafting the relevant documents (grounds of appeal and skeleton arguments) and represent you at the appeal hearing.

For further details please refer to the Expertise section from the main menu.

Awards & Recognition

Advocate Pro Bono Awards

Highly Commended


Family Law Award

Chambers of the Year


Family Law Awards

Clerking Team of the Year


Family Law Awards

Children Team of the Year