Practice Overview

Daisy specialises in family law as it relates to children.

She regularly represents local authorities, parents (including prospective adoptive parents), foster carers, extended family members (particularly grandparents) and children at all stages of private and public law children proceedings.

She acts in cases involving complex medical and factual evidence arising from possible non-accidental injuries and in cases in which there are allegations of sexual or physical abuse. She is experienced in cases involving disputed scientific evidence including that arising from drug or alcohol testing and in cases involving the alleged "radicalisation" of children.

She is experienced in private law cases, including those in which: the child is separately represented; there are gay father(s)/ lesbian mother(s); there are issues relating to legal parenthood/ the implications of reproductive technologies/ surrogacy; there are allegations of domestic abuse; there is suspected parental alienation/ implacable hostility and/or difficult religious considerations.

Daisy is also experienced in cases of international abduction and international adoption.

Daisy appears regularly in relocation cases.

She has been recognised in 2024 Spear’s 500 index as a top recommended family law barrister.

  • Children (Public Law)

    Daisy represents Local Authorities, parents (including prospective adoptive parents), extended family members (particularly grandparents), foster carers and children at all stages of public law Children Act and Adoption matters. She is experienced in cases involving the alleged "radicalisation" of children and appeared as junior counsel for the mother in the case of London Borough of Tower Hamlets v B [2016] EWHC 1707 (Fam)

    Daisy successfully represented the father in the Court of Appeal in the matter of Re J (A Child) [2015] EWCA Civ 222, in which the Court of Appeal overturned care and placement orders made at first instance.

    Daisy also successfully represented the birth father before Baker J on an application to oppose an adoption order (Re LG (Adoption: Leave to Oppose) [2015] EWFC 52). This led to the return of the child from the prospective adopters to the care of the birth family.

    She acts in cases involving complex medical and factual evidence arising from possible non-accidental injuries and in cases in which there are allegations of sexual or physical abuse. She was junior counsel for the local authority in Re U (Care Proceedings: Criminal Conviction: Refusal to Give Evidence [2006] 2 FLR 690 in which a number of interesting and unusual points arose regarding treatment of the father’s criminal conviction for the murder of his baby daughter. 

    She is experienced in cases involving complex scientific evidence and appeared as junior counsel for the mother before Hayden J in R (A Child - Care Order) [2017] EWHC 364 (Fam) in which there was a dispute between experts as to the proper interpretation of hair strand test results.

    Daisy appeared for the local authority in a long-running dispute before Cobb J between gay fathers and lesbian mothers concerning the contact and living arrangements of their daughters. (Re A and B (Contact) (No 2) [2015] 2 FLR 913; Re A and B (Contact) (No 3) [2015] 2 FLR 935; Re A and B (Contact) (No 4) [2015] EWHC 2839 (Fam))

  • Children (Private Law)

    Daisy regularly represents parents, extended family members and children at all stages of private law children proceedings.

    She is experienced in complex private law cases, including those in which: the child is separately represented; there are gay father(s)/ lesbian mother(s); there are questions relating to legal parenthood; there is suspected parental alienation/ implacable hostility and/or difficult religious considerations.

    Daisy also appears regularly in relocation cases.

    She has been recognised in 2024 Spear’s 500 index as a top recommended family law barrister.

  • International Family Law

    Daisy appears regularly in relocation cases.

    Daisy is also experienced in cases of international abduction, international adoption and disputes in relation to jurisdiction. She was junior counsel for Children and Families Across Borders ("CFAB"), interveners in the Supreme Court case of AR (Children) (Scotland) [2015] UKSC 35 concerning the Hague Convention on Child Abduction. She was junior counsel for the Guardian (led by Janet Bazley QC) in the case of London Borough of Lambeth v JO & Ors [2014] EWHC 3597 (Fam).

  • What the Directories Say

    "Daisy is a measured advocate whom judges trust and listen to - the iron fist in the velvet glove. She gives sensible, pragmatic and realistic advice, whilst fighting hard for her clients." Band 3 - Chambers and Partners, 2024

    "Clients have confidence in her and trust her advice implicitly." Band 3 - Chambers and Partners, 2024

    "Very determined and someone who walks the line very well between standing by her client whilst also trying to reach a settlement." Band 3 - Chambers and Partners, 2024

    "Daisy is a formidable children's barrister, a great tactician, able to move the chess pieces strategically and at the right pace to secure the best outcomes. Her client care skills are second to none." Tier 2 - Legal 500, 2024

    "She's very intelligent, and you can rely on her to do the papers." Band 3 - Chambers and Partners, 2023

    "Daisy is an exceptional barrister. Her instincts are second to none and her advice is always spot on. She gets to grips with the papers and issues in a case instantly and has exceptional client management skills." Band 3 - Chambers and Partners, 2023

    "Daisy is an exceptional barrister who is fiercely bright and always extremely well prepared, very quick thinking on her feet, adaptable, measured, tough when needed, and she gives extremely good advice. She is empathetic and sensitive and really understands the needs of children." Tier 2 – Legal 500, 2023

    “Very bright and switched on, and highly articulate. Daisy is good with clients and very hardworking. She is a champion for her clients.” Tier 2 – Legal 500, 2022

    ‘Is the oxygen of every single case I instruct her on. You literally cannot live without her. She is phenomenal in every possible way. She is strategic beyond measure, knowledgeable in a way that is inspiring, and highly empathetic and tuned in to client’s needs.’ Legal 500, 2021

    "A true specialist in complex private law matters, who builds a strong rapport with the client." "Her strategic viewpoint is her real strength. She thinks things through to conclusion and comes up with a clear plan." "A star of the future whom judges think the world of." Chambers and Partners, 2021

    “Is a highly regarded barrister trusted by solicitors and judges alike; she really grasps the issues and can get down on a level with the client.” Legal 500, 2020

    “Calm and insightful with clients and good at listening to them and getting to the nub of what their issues or concerns are. She gives measured advice and is strong in court. Tough and robust, she’ll take difficult points.” Chambers and Partners, 2020

    “Daisy is good on strategy and always super prepared. She’s also very kind and thoughtful.” Chambers and Partners, 2020

    "A great asset to the client in court." Legal 500, 2019 

    "Daisy has an extraordinary manner with clients. She has the ability to tap into a client's concerns, feelings and fears, and ensures her advice caters to that." Chambers and Partners, 2019 

    "Highly effective advocate, extremely adept at particularly technical issues but also exceptionally supportive and humane when faced with sensitive topics and vulnerable clients."  Chambers and Partners, 2018

    "She's fantastic, very methodical in approaching complicated cases and excellent on areas of law that are not part of the everyday. Her client care is just wonderful. She's very compassionate to her clients whilst being an outstanding advocate. Judges are incredibly complimentary about her." Chambers and Partners, 2017

    "She is a strong all-round performer." Legal 500, 2017

  • Notable Cases

    R (A Child - Care Order) [2017] EWHC 364 (Fam)

    London Borough of Tower Hamlets v B [2016] EWHC 1707 (Fam)

    AR (Children) (Scotland) [2015] UKSC 35

    Re J (A Child) [2015] EWCA Civ 222

    Re LG (Adoption: Leave to Oppose) [2015] EWFC 52

    Re A and B (Contact) (No. 2) [2015] 2 FLR 913; Re A and B (Contact) (No. 3) [2015] 2 FLR 935; Re A and B (Contact) (No. 4) [2015] EWHC 2839 (Fam)

    London Borough of Lambeth v JO & Ors [2014] EWHC 3597 (Fam)

    Re U (Care Proceedings: Criminal Conviction: Refusal to Give Evidence [2006] 2 FLR 690)

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